Automated translation, computer-assisted translation and human translation

Human translation is the most ancient form of translation, and is also the most reliable. This is because humans understand the three Cs of content translation: context, colloquialism and creative writing, better than robots. Human translation is the best method to use when translating creative material such as marketing copy or novels. Human translation is also the best method to use when translating content that involves specific expertise such as texts filled with medical, legal, or engineering terminologies.
Computer-assisted translation is, mainly, translation done by a human translator with the help of professional translation software. The benefit of CAT over strictly human translation is speed.
However, the disadvantage of using CAT is that software cannot comprehend context well. There have been improvements to CAT technology over the years, but it still gets confused when faced
with vague phrases, and there is always the possibility that some colloquialisms and slang words cannot be translated or will be mistranslated. Choose this method if the priority is quick translation
over 100% accuracy.
Automated translation is, as the name implies, fully machine-operated. It does not require human translators, except to input the source text in the computer. However, if something sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. After all, if automated translation didn’t have any disadvantages, then everyone would automatically prefer it. Google Translate is the most widely used form of automated translation for its convenience and price point (free). Remember that in the translation industry, accuracy is the most important aspect. Nevertheless, there are still circumstances when you can use automated translation, such as when dealing with short source texts.